IDEA! Well-Being Bingo
The power of Twitter is magical to me. I just love that you can find ideas in milliseconds and bingo - you have something new to try. I came across this idea on the Ridley Collage twitter feed, they were trying out some ideas based on #visablewellbeing at the suggestion of Professor Lea Waters, a wonderful lady and pioneer of strength based parenting. She has done so much amazing work and she often visits schools. So naturally, I thought well-being bingo could be a wonderful addition to our well-being week which coincidently fell the week after inspection, go figure! :)
All you need is some big bits of paper, a marker, some ideas and a staffroom! If someone completes one of the well-being ideas, they write their name in that box - simple. As always, there should always be a prize for the winner. Ours was some time out class to go and relax while I covered the class. I have to be honest though, I really loved taking this as an opportunity to do a sneaky wee character strengths lesson with a class other than my own!
It really is good fun and gets people thinking about their own well-being.
Give it a try and enjoy! B-I-N - GO!